
My training is based on the principles and exercises of classical, natural and spiritual horsemanship. I believe that there is no one system or method that works for all horses because every horse is unique and has his individual qualities, weaknesses, capacities, needs and his own personal art of expression.

My approach is holistic. I seek  beauty in expression and spirit, so I focus on the well-being of my horses in both body, mind and soul, no matter which discipline we are training in. Their psychological and physical fitness are conjoined and my training of your horses encompasses that ideal.

Similar to people, horses have distinctive ways of learning and understanding. It is my task as a trainer to recognise the personality of your horse and develop it. My goal is to help your horse discover his own best and fullest potential and to proudly present his own natural artistry. My constant reward my  are my horses desire to participate, work and perform with us.

Please click here to contact me

“There should be no mediocrity in love

And without love you cannot create an art.”

- Nuno Oliveira -



" Simin uses in the best way possible,

all the teachings she could get from the classical and natural horsemanship masters combining them in the development of the most desirable level of communication with horses, spiritual horsemanship."

Francisco Cancella de Abreu

Olympic Dressage Trainer, Portugal.

For further information regarding:

- Preparation for show, performance, events and productions;

- The Gentling and installing of Ground manners

      in young Horses and stallions;

- Natural Hydrotherapy and aquatraining in the Ocean.

- Classical dressage / equestrian art / baroque style schooling;

- Serenity training and reconditioning for traumatised horses;

- ‘Food for his body & soul’, cross country (up and down) training in the natural park ‘la Breña’ to strengthen your horses back, relax his mind and inspire his spirit.

" If you are fond of young horse and wish to do him a real favour - train him well. Teach him good manners, good habits, both in the stable and under the saddle.

You need never worry about the future of such a horse, if for any reason  you may have to part with him. You assure him of friends wherever he goes. Perhaps the greatest kindness you can do any horse is to educate him well."  The humble Australian Horseman Tom Roberts